“If you’ve been to Chaiya or have a guidebook you might answer the title question without thinking. Please think again. While the question may seem straightforward, the talk translated here quickly moves beyond the obvious answer to explore deepening levels of meaning. From Suan Mokkh as a physical place arrived at by physical travel, Ajahn Buddhadāsa outlines a progression of Dhamma understanding and practice that aims at the heart of the Buddha’s liberating Dhamma. Here, Ajahn Buddhadāsa again examines how creative understanding and skillful use of language aid in pointing out the truths of Buddha-Dhamma. He employs characteristic tools of inquiry such as his distinction between people language and Dhamma language. Happy to welcome visitors to his garden of liberation, he is even more happy to point to the gardens within all of us and, further, the ultimate garden that permeates all realities...”